No specific constituent of the diet is solely responsible for the emergence of Chronic Disease, but the overall quality of the diet, including supplementation, is paramount to prevention.
Periodically a story will hit the mainstream media about vitamins, supplementation or preventive health opposing a view the majority of the population hold, health experts included. A study out the New Zealand, published in Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology (online January 24, 2014) did just that. The study declared no measurable benefits of Vitamin D for chronic health complaints, in the face of volumes of investigations citing the benefits of vitamin D and improvement in health and quality of life (1,2). The study was a meta-analysis, of 40 randomized-controlled studies. The analysis was done by Mark Bolland of the University of Auckland in New Zealand.
Study Facts:
The 40 studies analyzed had a primary goal to evaluate the benefits of Vitamin D alone or with Calcium on the reduction of Osteoporosis and fracture rates. Secondary endpoints were prevention of chronic disease factors such as vascular disease and cancer.
Why is this important?
A common concern when using meta-analysis to make wide reaching claims is the failure to eliminate comparisons between studies that do not share strong similarities like: study size, elimination and inclusion criteria, and control for age, gender and measure of ingredient(s) being studied for example. What we learned may be a concern in taking the report in the Lancet at face value.
Vitamin D2- ergoclaciferol is the inactive form of the Vitamin and requires conversion by the body into its active form D3 Cholecalciferol. Many patients will not make the conversion via liver, intestine and kidney due to already present disease, genetic factors, lifestyle and age. While evaluating the validity of the analysis, understand both D2 and D3 will initially raise serum values of 25OHD, but vitamin D2 is limited in its capacity to keep 25OH-D in sufficient levels greater than 14 days after arresting administration due to its short half-life in the body. Evidence available today indicates that vitamin D3 is substantially more efficacious than vitamin D2. Epidemiological studies report ergocalciferol D2 as being, at best 1/3 of the benefit of D3 (4,5). This is of particular concern in the immuno-compromised, elderly, malnourished and those with liver, kidney or intestinal decline or anyone above the age of 40 due to natural decline in conversion from the skin.
What did the mainstream media and commentaries fail to mention.
The analysis found a small increase (5%) in the benefit of Vitamin D and Calcium in the reduction of mortality, but considered this percentage to be within a futility boundary.
The numerous health benefits of Vitamin D are very well documented. My recommendation when a study defies what historically is accepted and supported in the literature:
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