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Don’t wait for October to protect yourself from the impact of imbalanced hormones.

Dr Dee • April 27, 2016
While October may be Breast Health Awareness Month, it is not prudent to wait for a better lifestyle or change.
“Prostate cancer patients who, before their diagnosis, routinely consumed hefty helpings of the flavonoid compounds found in plant-based foods and drinks may be at lower risk for the most aggressive form of the disease.” That is the conclusion from a recent study regarding men’s health, and relative risk for prostate cancer, and regular consumption of flavanoids from a plant based diet. Does plant based mean- vegetarian? Vegan? Not necessarily. The prevention of cancer doesn’t come from drastic measures or swinging your eating habits completely to the other side of the farm (or in opposition to man’s physiology). It will come with thoughtful and consistent food practice including; eating at least 2/3 of your diet as color ( and doing it consistently), knowing where your meat comes from if you consume it, and being mindful with your eating. This may mean blessing your food, savoring your food, or simply not eating frankenfood…
For those cavemen out there, flavonoids are found in vegetables and fruits, as well as in tea, wine, juices ( not necessarily a healthy source), cocoa and supplementation to cover gaps where your diet fell short.  Supplementation is no excuse to be lazy about how you eat, yet researchers have long theorized that particular antioxidants, taken in high enough concentrations, found in spplementtion, may help reduce cancer risk by fighting inflammation, oxidation, cell death and tumor cell growth. In case you were wondering what the research found. The study found by working with about 1,900 patients newly diagnosed with prostate cancer, that those whose diets included the highest amount of flavonoids were 25% less likely to have been diagnosed with the fastest-moving and harshest form of the disease. Susan Steck, lead author of the study said “… what we are seeing here is the impact of flavonoids on reducing the risk for aggressive prostate cancer,” she added. “They may not affect your risk for getting the cancer, but it may mitigate against the kind of cancer you would get.” The study found the best health outcomes in men younger than 65, and in those that self reported a dietary mix of flavanoid consumption. While the study did not make a claim of curing prostate cancer, it does validate, previous outcomes studies on the topic have found and supports my hypothesis “No specific constituent of the diet is solely responsible for the emergence of Chronic Disease, but the overall quality of the diet, including supplementation, is paramount to it’s prevention”
Oct. 17, 2012, presentation, American Association for Cancer Research annual meeting, Anaheim, Calif.
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