We need to put in more effort, compared to our younger years, if we want to have the same level of vitality we had in our younger years. The same exchange rate applies to lifestyle. Those that do not sleep well, for example, will find themselves needing to put more into their daily regimen – supplement and otherwise to maintain productivity, healthy weight, and physical wellbeing- to make up for that lost sleep or lack of recovery that only comes with adequate rest.
In short, what your body needs in relation to nutrition will change as you get older, the rate of which is dependent on your lifestyle.
When we combine age and lifestyle, it becomes necessary to establish a foundation of daily habits to both address our everyday health needs, but also to contribute, or “pay into” our future health and aging requirements.
If you are asking yourself- where to start- I suggest starting with a diet and supplement routine that includes plenty of minerals. This comes in the form of plenty of dark leafy green veggies, making sure to get red-, orange-, blue- and purple-colored foods into our diet. For everything else- there is supplementation.
Essential vitamins and minerals in both colorful foods and comprehensive mineral supplementation can be key to your overall health, energy levels and immune health.
Keep in mind, it is never as simple as doing one thing. Exercise, rest, healthy stress habits all impact our aging. So, while you do not focus on ONE thing, your CAN GET STARTED with one thing.
The body cannot age well if it does not detoxify well – Our detoxication organs; the liver, the gallbladder, the kidneys, our skin, lymphatics, and bowels are all collectively responsible for healthy aging. After all, the liver is responsible for the binding and neutralizing environmental toxins, in addition to the toxins our body creates in aging- hormones, oxidized lipids and excess glucose, to name a few. The kidneys on the other hand, are responsible for the elimination of these toxic substances.
Removing toxins- natural or otherwise- supports your tissues health, may improve blood flow, promotes healthy oxygen levels, improves the health of your skin and very often your energy levels.
Minerals play the largest role in assisting this cellular action. Minerals are the necessary co-factors for hundreds of metabolic actions crucial for energy metabolism, hormone production, bone health, immune function, and clearance of cellular debris.
Our bodies tightly regulate the use of minerals, knowing they are critical to health, our bodies partition minerals for later use because the body cannot make them- the body must take them.
Now that you know- minerals are essential to health, you may wonder what you are looking for in mineral support. Many minerals are poorly tolerated, may have limited bioavailability or be subject to reactivity with one another when taken in supplement form.
The number one factor you are looking for– Minerals bound to amino acids or organic acids
For example. The amino acid- glycine, as in magnesium glycinate is tightly bound and a highly bioavailable form of magnesium, due to its small size. As such it is better absorbed intact across the intestinal wall.
The methionine form of selenium is another example. Selenium when bound to the amino acid methionine is highly compatible with other minerals and, due to its nature does not interact with phytates or fiber found in the diet. Meaning, choosing the correct mineral regimen is not just about what is in the bottle, but also how it fits in with your daily diet.
This brings us to one of the more important matters in choosing the right mineral support- Tolerability. Many people put off both food and supplementation due to stomach or intestinal tolerability. Finding a zinc gluconate or iron gluconate is preferable because this form is highly stable, gentle on the intestine- but because also tightly bound highly bioavailable.
Amino acid or organic acids create a more bioavailable, tolerable, and compatible blend.
While supplementation isn’t the only way to correct for factors that deplete vitamins and minerals from the body, it may be one of the more prudent steps you take to ensure adequate intake daily, especially as you approach advancing years, look to support your stress factors, a good night’s sleep and eliminate excess sugar and alcohol.
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